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Friday, June 19, 2009

Extreme body Modification Procedures

I hear a lot of people who talk about piercings, tattoos, etc... with disgust, and i wonder why... the first thing we do to new born baby boys is put them through one of the most strange and unneeded body modification procedures in the world... the circumcision. I've heard all the reasons... "it may get infected." Yes, so might his ears, why don't you have them removed? "I want him to look like his Daddy." Why, are you going to be fucking him?" "He may get laughed at in school gym class." Not if everybody stops lopping off plieces of their children he wont. And, not when women discover how much better sex with an uncut penis can be. Once while talking to a female pediatrician and shooting down one argument she had after another, she finally got to the heart of the matter... "Well, it just looks prettier to me." Ah yes... it has finally come to this we've performed this barbaric ritual for so long, it's just a cultural norm. So much so, that you can hardly get out of a hospital without them chasing you down with a pair of forceps and a scalpel. Just try this... inquire into having your baby girl circumcised.... you wont get out of the hospital because the police will be waiting at the door to take you away. I'm in no way comparing the brutal ritual of female circumcision to that of males, but the reasons for them are all very similar and the law about them should be too. No matter what your view of when life starts is, it certainly has started at the very latest, at birth. One of those rights should certainly be to not have parts of their body lopped off due to cultural whim. If after becoming an adult you wish to have it removed, go for it. But no body else should be able to make that choice for you.


Unknown said...

I stumbled across your blog and then after a page or two this post.

The fact that this post has no comments astonished me. Perhaps your readership agrees, which would be fabulous. It is appalling, like you mentioned, that in the world today we continue to mutilate newborns for one ridiculous reason or another.

As an uncircumcised male I am glad my parents made the decision not to chop me up.

Thank you for your informed and open-minded post.

Scott Redleter said...

Thanks for your comment michael. At the risk of pissing off my 'readership,' they don't comment on anything. sometimes I feel like I'm all alone out here. I track, so I know that people are stopping by. I guess they're just looking at the pictures. In any case, thanks for your comment.