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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pit Job

Besides sucking a fat cock, ARm Pits are the best. Don't ever shave them, you'll be sorry because they will rub so raw without the hair that you'll bleed (unless you get used to it by doing it all the time like some women do). If you really want to experience a Pit Job, be sure not to wear any deoderant... no one wants that aluminum on their tongue. Besides, the man smell is really what a you want when you give a good pit job. I'm not talking about a quick lick... I was once with a guy who loved for me to really bury my face n his pit and lube it up with my tongue. I spend as much time there as on his cock. he smelled fantastic (I'm not talking about dirty, or lack of washing... just a good day long stank after a morning shower) I would leave that pit smell in my stache and smell it for hours later. Nothing better!

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